Thursday, October 13, 2011

Watching the clock

Adalynn was born 7 weeks ago, and since that time I have felt like my life revolves around watching the clock.  Let me give you a glimpse of what I mean.

Today is Thursday,   Well, at 3 am Adalynn starts to stir which I know this means that I have about 3 minutes to go to the bathroom, get all her stuff ready for her to be changed and then on my boob for her night feeding before she starts screaming bloody murder.  At around 3:45 Adalynn is done and back in bed, and at this time I calculate in my head, "ok, so now her next feeding will be around 7:15, and if I fall alseep right now I can almost get 3 hrs before my alarm goes off at 6." 

The sound of the alarm wakes me up at 6 on the dot.  I roll over, and think " ok, if I wear my hair in a ponytail, I can sleep for another 20 to 30 minutes.  So I choose to do this, so now I wake up at 6:30 and begin to get ready, but now I am really in turbo mode because I need to wake Blake up and get him ready to go to his speech class no later than 7:00. 

So now comes the task of getting Blake ready, I enter his room and start stripping him down telling him we have to hurry and get ready for "school" which is what we call his speech class.  Of course, he cant make it easy, " I dont want to take my pants off." " I dont want to put my shoes on."  All while I am looking at the clock thinking ok I have 15 minutes before Adalynn is going to be up and hungry. Finally, Blake is dressed and eating breakfast.

So now it is time to deal with Adalynn, at about 7:15 I get her up and change her diaper and put her in her going out outfit.  I know as soon as the clothes begin to get put on she is going to be mad so again it is a race against the clock.  It is now 7:20 and I begin feeding her, of course she decides to be difficult as well, and keeps falling asleep during the process.  I really needed her to nurse well so I wouldnt have to do it at Blake's therapy session because I am still not real comfortable breastfeeding in public.  So now it is 7:45 and this is as long as I can go now before I have to finish getting myself ready.

I always stay in my pjs until right at the very end because I have learned that if I get on my going out clothes Adalynn will make sure she spits up on them.  So now it is 10 til 8 and I am picking out what to wear and putting it on, and of course Blake comes in at this time and says, "Mom, I need my pull-up changed" (yes, we still have not mastered the potty yet), "What?" I didnt plan for this, this is now going to throw off my whole schedule. It is now 7:55 and I am changing his pull up in lightening speed.  I glance at the clock and it is now 7:57 when i finish with him.  That means I have 3 minutes to put my hair up in a pony tail and get out the door by 8.

7:58 my hair is up, but looking pretty rough, and now I have to get Adalynn and Blake in their carseats and be on the road by 8.  Well, I strap Adalynn in her infant carrier, and holler at Blake to move his legs, and out the door we are with no time to spare.

So as you can see, the clock and I have become fast friends and enemies.  I never thought my life would ever have to revolve soo much around the clock, but as most parents know schedule and routine are what children crave.  So as much as I would like to go with the flow sometimes you have to live by the clock.  :)

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