Thursday, December 1, 2011


So yesterday I was trying an experiment with Adalynn to see how well she would do without her swaddle blanket since it is only recommended up to 14 weeks which she is now (hard to believe).  Well here is a recap of how it went:

We first tried a really soft and cuddly sleep sack which I thought she would like since she loves to snuggle into all her soft blankets.  She didnt mind it, but she would only sleep for maybe 20 or 30 mins.  When she woke up then she constantly wanted to be held too. 

Then she spit up on the sleep sack so I changed her into some fleece footie pjs, which she was ok with until she was ready to sleep and then she was just not having it.  I would hold her and walk around with her and she would fall asleep and as soon as I would put her down those beautiful blue eyes would pop open and the screaming began.

So after basically having a full day of this going on I gave in and gave her back her blanket for bedtime, and she slept for 6 hours from feeding to feeding.

So today, I figured I would not put myself through this again and swaddled that precious girl up and she was a totally different child today.  She napped for 3+ hrs and allowed me to put her down today, so I am afraid she is addicted to swaddling and she is really already to big for her miracle blanket :(  I wish they made a bigger one for babies that need to be swaddled longer.

So right now I am trying to brainstorm ideas for my sweet girl so we both dont get stressed out without the miracle blanket.  I noticed I think it was Halo that made a sleep sack that you could swaddle the arms.  I might look into getting Adalynn one of these if they come in a size big enough for her.  I am just afraid if I dont figure something out we are in for a rough road ahead.  If worse comes to worse I have a flannel little blanket that works well for swaddling that I might just have to get good at doing.  Oh why miracle blanket must you make my life soo easy and then yank the rug out from under me with no real good back up method.  Wish me luck in the coming weeks I am afraid! :)

1 comment:

  1. Our first night without the miracle blanket will be dec 14th! I'm nervous! Moms on call says give it three nights. They may cry off and on throughout the night, but each night will get better. I don't know if I will be able to handle it, but I'm sure going to try!
