Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Adalynn 4 month milestones

Adalynn turned 4 months old on Christmas Eve!

Adalynn has mastered,

cooing, giggling, squealing, smiling

recognizes faces

turns to loud noises

grasp small toys

lifts head/trunk during tummy time, but doesnt use her arms to do this, she is advanced yoga baby :)

Emerging skills

rolling over- she has rolled from back to tummy about 2 times and that is it

Things Adalynn likes

moby wrap- Christmas present from her Nana and now she can cling to mommy all day like she loves

violet sleep time puppy- another christmas present from me and jeff plays lullabys and environmental sounds

sleep sack- will not go to sleep in anything else now

gripe water- she is a gassy child so gripe water and mylicon are her best friends

bathtime-loves her lavender scented bath wash, it relaxes her

Things Adalynn doesnt like

still not a fan of laying flat to sleep so we continue to have her in her carseat

swing- she tolerates this, but it isnt her favorite gear

clothes- she got soo many cute clothes for Christmas, but probably wont like to wear any of them :(

sleeping more than 4 hours at night- I miss her miracle blanket she would go 6 hours between feedings at night now she only goes 3 or 4.

Adalynn is growing up fast, right now she is a little over 12.5lbs.  She has her 4 month check up on Jan 4th and I am excited to see how much she has grown since her 2 month appt. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You know you are a mom when

You know you are a mom when,,,,,

almost every shirt you own has been spit up on

someone ask you what you want for Christmas and you answer sleep

watching movies like dumbo and rudolph the red nosed reindeer makes you think if anyone treated my kids that way I would beat the living snot out of them.

your bedtime is whatever time your kids go to bed

seeing your kids cry makes you cry too

house chores arent nearly as important as playing candyland

 all your glasses are made of plastic

 you find yourself humming tunes of disney movies.

you have actually thought about spanking someone else's child

you have adminstered the countdown,,,," you better be here by the time I count to 3,,,1,,,2,,,,.

your food/drinks must be shared with your children even if you got them their own just so you wouldnt have to share

your living room consist of toys, infant swings, playmats, and array of other random child play things.

when you no longer go to the mall to shop, but to let your kids play on the inside playground.

you cant wait for Christmas to come to see their faces light up with excitement rather than you getting presents.

you feel guilty about everything

worry about everything

you cant remember your life without your sweet kiddos.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sleep is now just a memory!

I know that when you have a new baby sleep is something you just dont get enough of, but I have to say I am not very nice when I dont get my recommend amount of sleep.

I honestly cant remember the last good night of sleep, if I had to guess it was probably sometime during the 2nd trimester because when you hit that 3rd trimester you are soo big you cant get comfortable, and when you are finally not a whale anymore you have a crying newborn who is up every hour or so.  So it is safe to say that I havent slept well since June.

Adalynn has decided for the past week or so that it would be a fun game to play with mommy and have me up about every 2 hours.  Sometimes she is hungry and once she is fed she will go right back to sleep (love when this happens), but other times she wants to just chat.  As much as I love the fact that she is a little chatter box it isnt soo much fun at 2 or 4 in the morning. 

Last night she was up at midnight and then around 2 or 3 (cant remember now) and then up again at 4:30 to have a friendly chat about what she planned on doing today.  So trying not to have her wake her daddy up we went into the living room to continue our chat, in hopes she would fall asleep in her swing, and I could sleep some more.  Well about 4:45 she decided she was done chatting and now wanted to be fed.  So I fed her, and she fell asleep sometime after 5.  I had just dozed off when I hear Jeff start to get up and get ready for work and as he was leaving at around 6:30 Adalynn decides again that it is time to wake up.  She isnt hungry just not wanting to sleep so she plays around a little bit and around 7ish she falls back asleep. woohoo, just as I was about to get back to sleep myself Blake decides he is ready to get up and start his day,,so much for my nap.  I guess that is just another sacrifice parents have to deal with once little ones are in the picture.  I am in need of some caffeine! :)

Have a wonderful friday and weekend May you all sleep well!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Thought I would update everyone on some things we have been working on.

First off Adalynn:

We have been working on not being swaddled all the time.  It was a rough few days, but she seems to be doing better now.  I am hoping maybe she is just going through a growth spurt, but she use to go 6 hr at night before wanting to be fed again, but now she is only going 3 or 4.  I am hoping this is not due to the unswaddling.  This has been a hard adjustment for me, she spoiled me going 6.  I am hoping she will be getting back into this pattern or longer soon.  :)

Next Blake:

I hate to post about potty training progress because it seems like as soon as I brag, he goes back 100 steps.  Here we go though, today he has had no accidents!!! I am soo proud of him.  I am hoping this is not a fluke and he is FINALLY getting the hang of it.  ******TMI ALERT******* he also has gone number 2 in the potty which is a BIG accomplishment for him, so again I have my fingers crossed that we will continue to move forward from this post and not backwards!!!! :)

So there you have it, both kiddos seem to be progressing nicely, and I am hoping to report 100% success in both areas soon !!!:)

Everyone have a wonderful night, I have a screaming baby I need to go take care of!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mommy Time!!!

I love being a stay at home mom.  I love being the one that spends the majority of my time with my kids rather than a daycare, but I must admit I love when I get some time to myself too.

Yesterday was a rough day, the batteries in Adalynn's swing went dead and Jeff took the screwdriver to work with him so I had to wait until he got home to change the batteries in it, and Adalynn did not want to sleep for more than 45 mins without her swing working.  So I was dealing with an over tired baby who just wanted to be held all day long.

Blake was having issues too yesterday, Not sure why, maybe he just got up on the wrong side of the bed, but if I said the sky was blue he would say it was green.  He wanted to argue about everything and if I asked him to do anything it was a battle.

So right now I sit here with Adalynn sleeping in a working swing and Blake still snoozing away in his bed.  I got to eat breakfast at a nice pace, I got to watch all my DVR wednesday night shows without interruptions, and I figured out how many picture frames we need to buy for all our new Christmas photos that came in yesterday.  I woke up with a headache, and since I have had such a nice calm morning it has disappeared without medication.  I am even thinking I might do some Zumba here in a minute (might be pushing my luck though).

As a mom we sometimes forget about how important it is to take time for ourselves.  We give soo much to our children and husbands that we need to remember that we are only human and can only do soo much too.  I think every mom should try to take at least an hour every day to do something just for you, (I personally like my zumba game).  This will allow us to recharge and really be there for our families.  As the old saying goes if Momma aint happy, then nobody is happy.  :)  Take care of yourself so you can be the amazing mom that you are! 

Have a Wonderful Thursday! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Swaddling Night 1

Last night was our first full night of not being swaddled! I was nervous about it, and even told Jeff he might want to sleep in the living room since I anticipated a rough night.  I have to say though she did really well.

I replaced her miracle blanket with a cuddly fleece sleep sack, and I do believe it took her longer to get to sleep, but her sleep pattern didnt seem to change too much.  I guess the biggest difference was she would stir a little more while she was sleeping, but as soon as I would find her paci and plop it back in her mouth she would continue to snooze away.  I have learned though she will go to sleep a little faster if I hold her arms close to her body while I rock with her.  So night one was a success, one of my fellow bloggers has two precious babies who are just a few days older than Adalynn and she made the comment that it takes about 3 nights for babies to get use to not being swaddled, so 1 down and 2 to go! :)

On another note, potty training with Blake is still going slow, but we seem to be making some progress.  I have decided though that I am only going to put him in pull ups on long trips and at bedtime.  I am just going to start bringing him extra clothes if he has accidents while we are out and about, but I think him being in pull ups some of the time and regular underwear other times might be too inconsist for him.  So we will see how it goes, but I cant wait for the day that I can announce that Blake is fully potty trained!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I have to admit I LOVE this time of the year, it is by far my favorite. I love the cold weather, I love the decorations, I love giving gifts (and receiving :) ) I love getting to spend a few days with my family, and I love all the holiday food.

There are a few things though that I truly enjoy about Christmas besides it being Jesus's birthday of course.  I love being around my wacky family.  Let me give you a glimpse in the wonderful craziness of my family Christmas experience.

My mother has always been the Martha Stewart type of person (sometimes I wonder how I am her daughter since I got none of her crafting skills) and she has really pretty and cute Christmas decorations.  Well, my siblings have always gotten a kick out of rearranging some of her Christmas decor.  For instance, she has this big stuffed Santa that has mysteriously landed in some weird places around her house at Christmas time.  We have found Santa on the toilet, hanging outside in the upstairs window, and I am sure he has been other places, but I cant think of right now.  I have to say I am never in on the Santa gag, but I enjoy watching my siblings come up with new ways to display Santa.

A few years ago, my mom got 2 giant snowmen that she used to decorate during Mistletoe Fair and I personally found them a little creepy and after a few years ago I will never look at them the same again.  My brother and sister decided to place the 2 snowmen in the kitchen with one laying on the table with a lettuce knife through its back and the other I guess was the murderer.  Then my brother played some creepy music that was on a loop.  I woke up and I must say it totally freaked me out to see a snowman homicide in my mom's kitchen.  But this is the sick crazy Christmas traditions that I have grown to love and have come to expect when I go and visit.  Every Christmas I think there is no way they can top last year and some how they do.

My mom likes to act like she is annoyed by my brother and sister's antics, but I secretly believe that she has come to enjoy them too.  I mean what kind of family do I have that gets a kick out of murdering snowmen and an inappropriate Santa.  I really do love this time of year! I cant wait to see what they come up with this year.  Since both my siblings are married now they have 4 evil minds to come up with something great! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, I know I will!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


So yesterday I was trying an experiment with Adalynn to see how well she would do without her swaddle blanket since it is only recommended up to 14 weeks which she is now (hard to believe).  Well here is a recap of how it went:

We first tried a really soft and cuddly sleep sack which I thought she would like since she loves to snuggle into all her soft blankets.  She didnt mind it, but she would only sleep for maybe 20 or 30 mins.  When she woke up then she constantly wanted to be held too. 

Then she spit up on the sleep sack so I changed her into some fleece footie pjs, which she was ok with until she was ready to sleep and then she was just not having it.  I would hold her and walk around with her and she would fall asleep and as soon as I would put her down those beautiful blue eyes would pop open and the screaming began.

So after basically having a full day of this going on I gave in and gave her back her blanket for bedtime, and she slept for 6 hours from feeding to feeding.

So today, I figured I would not put myself through this again and swaddled that precious girl up and she was a totally different child today.  She napped for 3+ hrs and allowed me to put her down today, so I am afraid she is addicted to swaddling and she is really already to big for her miracle blanket :(  I wish they made a bigger one for babies that need to be swaddled longer.

So right now I am trying to brainstorm ideas for my sweet girl so we both dont get stressed out without the miracle blanket.  I noticed I think it was Halo that made a sleep sack that you could swaddle the arms.  I might look into getting Adalynn one of these if they come in a size big enough for her.  I am just afraid if I dont figure something out we are in for a rough road ahead.  If worse comes to worse I have a flannel little blanket that works well for swaddling that I might just have to get good at doing.  Oh why miracle blanket must you make my life soo easy and then yank the rug out from under me with no real good back up method.  Wish me luck in the coming weeks I am afraid! :)