Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well, I want to take this time to brag on Blake.  Sometimes I feel like all I do is focus on the hardships with him and I forget about the wonderful things that makes Blake, Blake :)

Things I Love about Blake:

1) His imagination, He is constantly coming up with creativity stories and loves telling me all about things that are going on usually with his cars.

2) The way he loves his sister,  he hugs on her and gives her kisses and tells her he loves her, and cracks up when she smiles at him.

3) His loving spirit, He likes to give hugs and kisses and tells me he loves me and that he is happy, which is the most rewarding feeling to know that your child is happy. :)

4) His ability to handle change (most of the time), I was soo afraid that having Adalynn would be hard on him, but he has been soo good to handle the change and has really just gone with the flow of things.

5) His cute little sayings and actions.  He does soo many cute things I cant list them all, but I have to say my favorite right now is when we tell him to run for a touchdown, he stops and touches the ground, cracks me up everytime.

6) his fun nature, he loves to be outside enjoying the nature (which he did not get this from me).  He likes swimming and running, climbing, jumping, swinging, just about any outdoor activity he will do it.

7) His love of movies, I love cuddling on the couch with him and watching movies, which right now are RIO, Veggietales Christmas episode, and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

8) His progress he has been making with his therapist,  he got really good reports yesterday and from someone that only seems to get bad news with Blake I cherish the good news that I get :)

9) His sweet nature, He doesnt like to see people upset, when he sees someone crying he always asks whats wrong usually followed by a hug.

10) His funny attitude, He just is soo funny! I sometimes dont know where he comes up with some of the things he says, like the time Adalynn would not stop crying and he asked where her off button was,,priceless :)

I love my little guy soo much and I hope I am being the kind of mother he needs me to be.  Even though I have had my ups and downs with him I would not trade one single moment! The day he was born I found my true calling in life,,, to be a mom!

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